Wednesday 2 October 2013

Without the Internet

Since I skipped last week's post (because I'm a moron), I decided to give out a double post this week. ^^

In the past years, the Internet has replaced in many homes the well-established means of information and communication, such as the television, the radio, the post, even the phone. Speaking of phones, now even on our mobile-phones we use the Internet to communicate with our loved ones. Because the Internet has made the world smaller. Now we can see what every one does regardless of the distance or time. Every action someone takes is known by every one and every one knows ever action that is taken. We became dependent of it: we work through it, we talk through it, we learn through it, we escape our world through it. 

What would happen to our society without the Internet? Would it collapse? Would it face mass-spread withdrawal symptoms? Would we be able to cope with not keeping in constant contact? 

But what if a war struck? A war so massive it would leave a great chunk of our world without electricity and, subsequently, without the Internet. Would be able to cope with it the way our ancestors did? Or would we crumble, would the contrast between what we lived so far and the situation at hand would be too great, too massive for our minds to comprehend? We choose to escape even from the current society, how would we cope with a war or a major cataclysm without our primary means of escape from reality?

What if we faced a major cataclysm? Would we handle the mental pressure of not knowing whether our loved ones are all right. Would we pack everything we have and head to find them? Or would we wait, the incertitude slowly eating us from the inside? Would we wait, confident that whatever happens, humanity will find another way of keeping in touch with their loved ones?

1 comment:

  1. ^^ I thank every one who read this blog. Also, both today's posts were robot-free. Take it as my way of compensating for my absence last week. U_U"
